The Shaw Festival

So..My Birthday is over but in my mind im still celebrating:), and nothing is getting done to prepare for Christmas..but that’s ok… because pretty soon, ill be packing for Florida! yes my mind is a million miles away..and pretty soon my body will be too 🙂  for awhile.

So while we were in Niagara on the Lake for those of you who don’t know.. its the  Major Theater Festival site.

The Shaw Festival is a major Canadian theatre festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, the second largest repertory theatre company in North America. Founded in 1962, its original mandate was to stimulate interest in George Bernard Shaw and his period, and to advance the development of theatre arts in Canada.

so  id like to show you the town, we dont usually go out to much at nite..only because we are up at 4:30 am.. Monday through Friday. but .. now that it gets dark so early..i actually got to take a few “shots in the Dark”


Lunch time, one of our favorite place to eat..and drink.
Must have coffee, while strolling a round, after all it is Dec.. and the wind coming off of Lake Ontario is biting
found some awesome nik naks in here
finally traffic died down so i could get a good shot, one day i might be able to afford to stay there:)
time for a mid afternoon cocktail

a few door ways, and yes another coffee stop:)

had to go home(back to our Inn,) we were freezing

not the best shot, but im ot use to nitetime photoging.

any way, we came back for the Christmas lighting, and Santa, dinner and drinks

I’m on the hunt..looking for Santa
i heard rumors He was just here….
the crowds are forming, where Is He, candles are being passed out
the Queens Court….. hearyee,hearyeee..
everyone is waiting, the candles are all lite, and im getting claustrophobic
i spotted Olde St. Nick.. for a second. and He was gone

well we have never seen so many people…ever!!!  there was no room to move, i had to leave fast.. b4 a panic attack set in. of course i saw Santa long b4 the crowds did. believe me when i tell you it was a mass of humanity. so this was our stroll around the main street of Niagara on the lake, a fantastic community. and how they all came together , and everyone bought candles .. the proceeds all went to the children school in town.  $2.50 a candle. and when we did leave we gave our candles to a young family.. who probably  couldn’t afford to spend an extra 5 dollars (Canadian)  .

next time, ill introduce the faces i captured:)  and if you did stop by.. thank you, and have a wonderful week end.

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