Out West….Part 4

Well our time in San Francisco was short-lived, as we intended , it was time to get to the train station.42777000314_a05d182bf7_o

We arrived a few hours early and were lucky enough to get on an earlier train.

We were surprised, we didn’t have to show our passports, or even our tickets, b4 we boarded. No proof of who we were at all.

So… 28589753937_d54984c1a2_o we all got comfy and then some one came to look at tickets, but never Asked for any other proof. Anyway…..

There were times the trains were so close I had to get away from the window, just one of my phobias :).

So the trip was really on.

some very interesting turns


a small town we went through.

yep… this close

it was a while b4 we actually got out of California.

One of our very first stops was a town my husbands’ cousin lives in

waving to carol
Davis California.

We were only there about 5 min. .41668410410_057eafbccb_o-1.jpg. And off we went. Going at a pretty decent speed.

coal.coal and more coal

. And it was some time before the train stopped again.

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a view from the viewing car.

a view from our seats.

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this is the sight-seeing car, we did meet many nice people.

well that will do it for today.   up next is all the mnts. and a River. and a few more towns,

One Fine Day


This past Mothers day  ,we took a hike at One Of NY States #1 parks. Lovingly called The Grand Canyon Of the East.  Letchworth State Park. Only 1/2 an hour from our house

A Niagara Falls and Grand Canyon  affair all rolled into one
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we were so lucky to come as early as we did,

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Glen iris Inn
this fine restaurant is home to many weddings and even just a lovely meal. we didn’t have a reservation , so there was not a chance in hell of eating there.


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I knew we’d never get into the restaurant, so we found a nice spot to have a little lunch.
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even if the park was packed, there are so many spots to choose from.

after a bite to eat, it was time to finish our hike
and… of course no hike is complete ..with out walking a million or so stairs
yep.. that’s the man, making sure I don’t tumble..or get lost:)

and no trip anywhere is complete. Until you use the facilities 🙂
this is one of the best parks around and to have it so close to home, I’m not sure why we don’t go more often. but they also have camping here and ill save that for another time, we did walk around and look at all the types of cabins they had , I don’t camp!!!!!

if you stopped by , thanks so much, and if your ever find yourself around this are, make sure you take at least a ride through.  this state park has so much to offer with its changing landscapes, and constant beauty.





Floridians in Black & White

While my good friends Mary Smyth and Fraggy  are posting in Black and White, thye have encouraged me on so many levels through the years, I’ve decided to give it a go.. of course my new FujifilmX-T10 has been a huge help to me. I love street photoging, so i thought id share some of my “people”  shots in B&W.  and a few stories along the way

when ever ive been to St,Johns Pass this woman is feeding all of the wild life, this particular  day she must have had some very special seed. and i was very pleased that i got a reflection  too 🙂
just looking for a place to get warm and have lunch..and a cocktail of course 🙂
stopped at Clearwater  Beach on our way back to the condo, hit one of our favorite watering holes, and this is what i saw. it was so cold that day. this beach is never empty.
the next day was a bit warmer, found a jogger all by Him self.
hard to tell if this guy was one of the many transients  or just catching the rays
 this guy reminded me of an old Humphrey Bogart Movie.
 Breakfast time at the Covered Bridge cafe.   this was our waitress
ok, i got caught 🙂 so what… lol, i really was trying to get that guy in the back, he had an E.cig. and the smoke that was bellowing  around him was something else.but every time   with out fail some one got in my way.. so this was the best i could do
i couldnt keep my eyes off this little girl, she was on the verge of tears, and  i got lost in those big eyes
 well here come the story….. we took a 3 hour ride to Ft.Myers Beach , and this older woman, figured we were there for a good time, so she directed o=us to this tiki bar, that had a happy hour like no other… the place was pack to the rafters. , so while i was getting my bearings.. and a drink 🙂 this giu just walked up and said oh take my picture… so i did 🙂

on with the story…….

 My Husband has always been nervous about my being “so friendly” when we r on Vaca.. and my good Friend Dawn (on the inside)  has mentioned it to me a few times as well.. but… i think im a fairly good judge  of people.. anyway, the woman on the end..  is some one we dont know and most likely never see again.. she and her Husband were on vacation from way up North in Canada . we all started talking, he told us he was a retired Mounted  Police officer  and she said she was a  Physiotherapist……

he showed us card tricks..i was not amused , but my friend was..   we drank way to much, and had to get up at 5:30 am to catch the ferry to Key West.lol, the end, it doesnt hurt to be friendly at a bar… as long as you have a few rules in place:)  oh ps..thats me in the middle :))

well if  you stopped by thanks. and have an awesome rest of the week. and @fragglercking   and @MarySmyth   , thank you for all of your encouagement.

The start of my Florida Vacation

imageI had a welcoming committee when I arrived at my friends condo. They  vacation here often and were told there are 2 gators living in their little lake. They have never seen either one… I show up and wallaa there he is .

Pits been rather cold here, I don’t know much about northern Florida , ,have always vacationed in the southern parts. I think next year, I might wait till Feb. to come down here;) anyway, I’m making the most of it, going some where different every day.  I’ll catch up with everyone when I get home,  stay warm and take care.


Out and About…Here and There

so i had to go home again (where i grew up) to take care of Mom. She still needs help with Laundry and grocery shopping, still cant drive yet, or bend. even though im not all that far away, its amazing how 1 night away can  gum up the works. Of course sleeping on a sofa doesnt help. but..i do what a can.so my reward was meeting my Brother in Law  to shoot for a little bit. We met up on the west side of Buffalo, in a neighborhood called Elmwood Village.  and of course had to go to a unique coffee house called SPoT. we walked and walked, and then i headed for my Home, to care for my own family, the felines were angry. what else is new?!!and later in the week , after i caught up on my sleep ,in the comfort of my own bed  captured a few subjects:) so here we go……….

the street corner box
the street corner box
lol, this guysaw the 2 of us with our big cameras, and he started yelling to me, take my picture, i want to be in Gusto. (a local Mag. )
lol, this guy saw the 2 of us with our big cameras, and he started yelling to me, take my picture, i want to be in Gusto. (a local Mag. )


all the vagrants Knew who my Brother in Law was, they immediatly came up to Him and asked for money, he knew all of them by their first name
all the vagrants Knew who my Brother in Law was, they immediately came up to Him and asked for money, he knew all of them by their first name
it was an awesome day ..Hit 80 degrees by the time i made it back to my house
it was an awesome day ..Hit 80 degrees by the time i made it back to my house
take time to smell the flowers…. and in November, thats something:)
and... does anyone remember their granparents calling the dresser
and… does anyone remember their grandparents calling the dresser “the Bureau…pronounced BURAU.. an upscale clothing store on the strip
i thought this was the koolest bike rack ever
i thought this was the koolest bike rack ever
this guy just goes from coffee place to coffee lace, when hes up to it
this guy just goes from coffee place to coffee place, when hes up to it
another light box..all dresed up
another light box..all dressed up
on His way to the Hospital to visit
on His way to the Hospital to visit, Children Hospital is just down the block
the architecture in this part f town is so unique. I'm glad they are restoring alot of these places
the architecture in this part f town is so unique. I’m glad they are restoring alot of these places
well this was in front of a hair salan
well this was in front of a hair salon
thats Mom, shes got the walker and i had the cart… shed point id grab… and in between take photos ..what else:)
so im back home, enjoying the remainder of good weather , aat the big farmers market down town, and ohh these smelled so good i cave in and had one..Dukes Doughnuts. and got the story of whos who...
so im back home, enjoying the remainder of good weather , at the big farmers market down town, and ohh these smelled so good i caved in and had one..Dukes Doughnuts. and got the story of whos who… they do an awesome business …ps.. this is not Duke:)
i enjoyed my cuuppa so much with my Brother inLaw, that i asked my Hubby to take me to ours ,downtown, use to be the old Chrysler Building.... well any way. the coffeee was not nearly as good:( and neither was the scene...so off we went
i enjoyed my cuppa so much with my Brother in Law, that i asked my Hubby to take me to ours ,downtown, use to be the old Chrysler Building…. well any way. the coffee was not nearly as good:( and neither was the scene…so off we went
some of the local talent here in Rochester NY this is Matthew Corey and Hosea. they are really popular Here, so i sat and chatted with them awhile, since the weather changed.. normal temps for Nov. 50ish
some of the local talent here in Rochester NY this is Matthew Corey and Hosea. they are really popular Here, so i sat and chatted with them awhile, since the weather changed.. normal temps for Nov. 50ish
and we went out for breakfast, somehting we havent done in forever... mostly because my breakfast tastes better
and we went out for breakfast, something we haven’t done in forever… mostly because my breakfast tastes better

i hope you enjoyed the little tour, have a wonderful rest of the week end, and a super week

Bits and Bobbs, of a beautiful Autumn

can ya just hear the leaves crinkling
it was such an awesome day, i cant remember the last time i stayed in the park so long…good thing there were plenty of benches
in front of the conservatory
magnificent colors all over
made me think spring was here
chestnuts galore
im sneaking into the sunken garden
usually wedding take place here, and they have posted, no one is allowed to taks pictures with out …paying a fee..yeah right!!!!
ok…..im going in
i know a short cut..
here we go im almost inside
good,no one is shooting anything special
theres the main entrance… where one would pay…
can you imagine your wedding here… it must be beautiful, almost fairy taleish
i loved walking through here

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take a walk with me
take a walk with me
gotta kick those leaves
well that was my little tour, that i DID NOT pay for!!!

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