Out and About…Here and There

so i had to go home again (where i grew up) to take care of Mom. She still needs help with Laundry and grocery shopping, still cant drive yet, or bend. even though im not all that far away, its amazing how 1 night away can  gum up the works. Of course sleeping on a sofa doesnt help. but..i do what a can.so my reward was meeting my Brother in Law  to shoot for a little bit. We met up on the west side of Buffalo, in a neighborhood called Elmwood Village.  and of course had to go to a unique coffee house called SPoT. we walked and walked, and then i headed for my Home, to care for my own family, the felines were angry. what else is new?!!and later in the week , after i caught up on my sleep ,in the comfort of my own bed  captured a few subjects:) so here we go……….

the street corner box
the street corner box
lol, this guysaw the 2 of us with our big cameras, and he started yelling to me, take my picture, i want to be in Gusto. (a local Mag. )
lol, this guy saw the 2 of us with our big cameras, and he started yelling to me, take my picture, i want to be in Gusto. (a local Mag. )


all the vagrants Knew who my Brother in Law was, they immediatly came up to Him and asked for money, he knew all of them by their first name
all the vagrants Knew who my Brother in Law was, they immediately came up to Him and asked for money, he knew all of them by their first name
it was an awesome day ..Hit 80 degrees by the time i made it back to my house
it was an awesome day ..Hit 80 degrees by the time i made it back to my house
take time to smell the flowers…. and in November, thats something:)
and... does anyone remember their granparents calling the dresser
and… does anyone remember their grandparents calling the dresser “the Bureau…pronounced BURAU.. an upscale clothing store on the strip
i thought this was the koolest bike rack ever
i thought this was the koolest bike rack ever
this guy just goes from coffee place to coffee lace, when hes up to it
this guy just goes from coffee place to coffee place, when hes up to it
another light box..all dresed up
another light box..all dressed up
on His way to the Hospital to visit
on His way to the Hospital to visit, Children Hospital is just down the block
the architecture in this part f town is so unique. I'm glad they are restoring alot of these places
the architecture in this part f town is so unique. I’m glad they are restoring alot of these places
well this was in front of a hair salan
well this was in front of a hair salon
thats Mom, shes got the walker and i had the cart… shed point id grab… and in between take photos ..what else:)
so im back home, enjoying the remainder of good weather , aat the big farmers market down town, and ohh these smelled so good i cave in and had one..Dukes Doughnuts. and got the story of whos who...
so im back home, enjoying the remainder of good weather , at the big farmers market down town, and ohh these smelled so good i caved in and had one..Dukes Doughnuts. and got the story of whos who… they do an awesome business …ps.. this is not Duke:)
i enjoyed my cuuppa so much with my Brother inLaw, that i asked my Hubby to take me to ours ,downtown, use to be the old Chrysler Building.... well any way. the coffeee was not nearly as good:( and neither was the scene...so off we went
i enjoyed my cuppa so much with my Brother in Law, that i asked my Hubby to take me to ours ,downtown, use to be the old Chrysler Building…. well any way. the coffee was not nearly as good:( and neither was the scene…so off we went
some of the local talent here in Rochester NY this is Matthew Corey and Hosea. they are really popular Here, so i sat and chatted with them awhile, since the weather changed.. normal temps for Nov. 50ish
some of the local talent here in Rochester NY this is Matthew Corey and Hosea. they are really popular Here, so i sat and chatted with them awhile, since the weather changed.. normal temps for Nov. 50ish
and we went out for breakfast, somehting we havent done in forever... mostly because my breakfast tastes better
and we went out for breakfast, something we haven’t done in forever… mostly because my breakfast tastes better

i hope you enjoyed the little tour, have a wonderful rest of the week end, and a super week

a week end to myself

So the men went off camping in the 1000 islands. i had the week end to myself. i took myself to dinner and stayed out to catch a sunset right here in the village,on the Erie Canal. And then this morning i got up at 5am and went Downtown to the big farmers market, which we call the Public Market. Talked to a very interesting woman. Since we have been trying to eat according to the Paleo way of eating. I ‘v been making alot of our own food. I can ..I’m home. and i like to cook..so its a win win.

i always try to get to the market early… i don’t like crowds… and i guess a lot of others feel the same way
we are blessed with some of the best muck farming around.. in Western New York
so i finished my veggie buying spree and it was time for coffee
Billy and Bob were working mighty hard today.. the line was really long and i was in line at 7am
this is Philomina she prepares a healthier way to eat. and boy she gave me an excellent dish today
busy preparing another dish
yep thats her,
ohh wow, yep this is my breakfast, shes almost done
here we have roast sweet potatoes and plantains, with a a bit of red sauce on it, i have to tell you, I’m far from a fussy eater anyway.. and Dave and i will try anything at least once… but ill be back for more of this..till i buy the book and make my own:) this was what Phil called a small portion.. here it is a little after 11am, and I’m still very full. btw.. it as delicious , the flavors were something i cant describe
i don’t know what any of you do when your standing in line but i snap to my hearts content.. mostly because i don’t like to wait.. and this keeps me occupied
Phil also makes these bars and breads. i bought one for Dave.. with blueberries and other goodies in it. she uses honey for a sweetener.
right next to Phil is an olive oil company.. very good oils too!!
its still peach season here, with apples right behind them.. lets not forget my tomatoes..which i came to get:)
im so glad i go early, always can find a seat somewhere:)
and I’ll close with the sunset, which i got last night , in my village on the Erie Canal.

thanks for stopping by. have an awesome rest of the week end..or week:)!

a walk through our farmers market

well i had plans to meet up with a friend, unfortunately she became ill during the nite. so off i went on my Merry way…

the Rochester Public Market
the Rochester Public Market

although there aren’t many farmers here on Thursday mornings, its a fantastic atmosphere for us who don’t

like crowds


lots of elbow room:)

how bout some kale juice this morning
how bout some kale juice this morning

i had a grand time

got some fresh baby eggplant and garlic thingys
got some fresh baby eggplant and garlic thingys

then it was time to take a peak around

too early to taste any whiskey, thats what they make in that reddish building
dont know what my English friend would think of us making their Tellies into ATM machines

ordinarily ..on Saturdays you cant even move its so darn crowded, so i thought id show you what our city has, people rave about this market, im not sure why, when we go on vacation one of the things we like to do is visit other city public markets… and we always are in awe of what others have…i guess:)  any way, now that the veggies are here, this is how i spend my Thursdays …and some times Saturdays, depending on what i need. and thats the end of my little tour for today. thanks for stopping by,later gators

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