A Little Side Steppin

wow, it sucks to get old.. especially when your not very healthy.   as we become the “adults” for our aging parents,  we learn a lot.. some good some bad. we all have horror storied to tell, some more than others. so i wont get into that part of it.

i had to go help out , again, my Mom, who is 80 had yet another back surgery. this time a bit more invasive.. a rod and screws.. and 26 stitches. living all most 2 hours away can some times be challenging.. with rescheduling and well life in general.. but we  do what we can.. im thankful for the Help of my baby Sister and Her Husband, who live in Bflo,Ny.

so  i thought id share, with you what i saw from the 17th floor of Buffalo General Hospital, and what i did for 2 days.

ok, now you’ve all had wings right? well just down below is their birth pace.. the Anchor Bar!!!!
well the meds are working, shes out like a light. time for some lunch
another view from another window.. below is Roswell Park, where most cancer pt.s go for treatment or diagnoses
the mighty chart… tells all….
ahhh, a bit of heaven to go with my cloud peeping
ahhh, a bit of heaven to go with my cloud peeping
the tray!!! with NO food:(
this cloud was in Canada, causing snowflakes...  and low and behold.. it made a complete circle and it was waiting for me when i got home
this cloud was in Canada, causing snowflakes… and low and behold.. it made a complete circle and it was waiting for me when i got back to my  home
The Basilica .well the back end of the statue , i was at a red light. the man h=who started all of this was Father Baker.. He started a home for unweds, a home for orphans, a boys school and a girls school. the list goes on. Hes buried there. waiting to be canonized
what ive been waiting for .. my favorite pizza, and this nite is over!!!
DownTown Buffalo,NY
DownTown Buffalo,NY and Lake Erie ,one more look because i wont be back this way for some time!! Mom is home now, resting as comfortably as possible, she is not a good pt. so we have all gone our separate way. id like to thank my cousin Pat, for taking her to the Dr. today to have her stitches removed. . thanks for taking this journey with me i feel so much better now:)

19 thoughts on “A Little Side Steppin

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  1. Oh bless, it’s not easy when your old Mum is undergoing all this stuff, and you have to undergo it too. I had the same with my mum when she was in and out of hospital with her cancer, and the hospital was 2 hrs away for me too. Nightmare times. Glad you got some great shots along the way, and that she’s home again. You changed the blog again 🙂 nice!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Being so far away is so hard on you both. I can’t imagine going through the surgery your mother especially at that age…just being in the hospital for day surgery was traumatic enough for me! Like Fraggy said you got some pretty amazing images from your stay. Starbucks & pizza would make me smile so at least there was that 😄 You have certainly embraced blogging Kathy & we’re all glad you did!

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    1. Awww Mary thank you, very much, I was in doubt wether to post this one or not… Being more on the personal side, and the photos didn’t turn out all that well, but I thank you for saying so, friends like you and Fraggy are the best “food for the soul” so thank you for that too;)!!!! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. As long as your mother didn’t mind and I can’t see her minding anyway since no one would know it was her! And there you go again being hard on yourself…the images were excellent. Great storytelling and your very unique processing. Fraggy is one very generous person always leaving a thoughtful comment. I am feeling guilty that my review of everyone’s blogs are sooooo behind!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey Kath looks like you have had a lot on your plate lately ! Sorry for all you and your mom ( whole family really ) have to go through it can really take a toll but it’s all done out of love . When I went through all of this with my parents it stuck in my mind this is me down the road 😦
    Thinking of you my friend and praying for the best !

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Poor thing. I hope she’s on the mend. And you – are you recuperating as well?
    Sean’s grandmother is 92 and had a fall while traveling in Scotland. Two weeks later, the doctors here just found a fracture on her femur and she’s had to have surgery. It does suck to be old, but this lady is still active and still traveling the world, so I guess sometimes it’s what you make of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ain’t that the truth, it’s sad my Mother has been bitter most of her life. The one thing she has taught me.. Not to be like her . Thanks Jay , I hope to just like Sean’s grandmother one day 😉 😂😘


  5. No it isn’t easy having aging parents, Kathy. Glad to know your mom is on the mend now. I’m sure she appreciates the visit and care. I guess we all have to go through these trying times. Pizza and Starbucks is a good consolation prize and you you did get some interesting photos to boot. 😃

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I know how hard that can be…but you managed to catch some beautiful images in between and you can never go wrong with coffee and pizza 🙂 Your mom is lucky to have you, Kathy and I wish her a speedy recovery. And don’t forget to take care of yourself too.

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