the land time forgot

MY Husband will go Photoging with me as long as He has something to do, (so my Friend Chris blogged about this camp last year.) and I knew I’d get Him to go.. so off we went. took us a while to find it. I cant wait to go back, and we did find some other activity going on there. a few hikers, a few campers.. and a few fishermen:)…..HISTORY AT BOTTOM

have to use the rest room… well this is it…… and its pretty much at the edge of a cliff
of course its been years since these camps were used, but we found them under all the brush
this is what was right behind the latrens
this is what was right behind the restrooms
wondering what building that is….. the bathrooms, shower stall and toilets, and old sinks. better stay on the path… all kinds of poison weeds. and a…snakes too.. yep i saw a few
ready to go Camping.........
ready to go Camping………
olympic size pool
Olympic size pool
a lean-to
a lean-to


Relatively unknown, Beechwood State Park is easily one of the most unique park experiences New York has to offer. A former Girl Scouts of America summer camp, the property has been left as it was abandoned in 1996. After 15 years the buildings are in a state of decay, with many overgrown by weeds. The Olympic-size pool is almost completely destroyed, and the large wooden dock on the lake has been demolished into piled up scrap along the shore. Campgrounds vary from fallen shelters covered in vines, to intact and clean lean-tos, almost ready for use. Throughout this designated nature park, the old campground’s lodges and miscellaneous structures are there to be discovered by the casual hiker. At least for now. Whether or not the state will demolish them in the future is unknown.

well thanks for stopping by, i hope you enjoyed your visit… ill be back with more  from this place. we had a great time investigating 🙂

13 thoughts on “the land time forgot

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  1. this would almost fall into the lost world category…. in both senses, time and place!
    I love the lush greenery, (even if part of it is poisonous!) And the nostalgia that permeates a place like this ! I hope it can just go gently back into the bush, without the authorities interfering!
    We in Australia did not have the summer camp culture as it was enjoyed in the US, but most of us grew up with a particular place on the coast which was visited most summers, usually as family groups. Through the year you rarely saw the other campers, but they became your holiday neighbours for the summer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Andrea, it was something else!! If the weather ever gets nice again we will certainly be looking for it;) it’s about an hour away (east) yes lost world exactly 😉 It was serial walking around their!! I’d never go alone . As a woman , I’m very careful not to venture into such places, these days you just can’t be to careful . Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll post soon . Have s great day .


  2. It was something else Susan!! Thanks so much , the lighting was wild 😉 With all the trees acting as filters . Can you imagine ? Lol I guess being a city gal all my life I can’t even begin to understand camping like this ;)))!
    Have a great day Susan, and thanks for stopping by


  3. Gives us an idea of how long Man’s works would last if we screw up the world and vanish off the face of the earth. In less than a century most traces of us ever being here would be erased.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Why so blue Paul? Becuz it was abandoned? Not to worry the build a bigger one somewhere else. And it was something , really something to see. I’m still in Awe of it actually. Thanks for stopping by


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